If you're curious about CPC this year, you should definitely check out the puzzles - the're being uncharacteristically efficient, so the puzzles for this year are already up.
...the answers are already up, actually. I'll be looking at those in lieu of actually finishing this post. >_>
Is it bad that my brain froze and immediately started screaming "tl;dr" when I opened up a puzzle? :<
That looks fun, though I notice that Swarthmore did not send a team. For shame! I'd also like to give a shoutout to team name Big O and the nLogn's at your school, because even though they finished last, they have my favorite team name on the liszt. I hope you figured that puzzle out.
(Not being glib or anything - I'd like to compete on a team to solve these puzzles. I was thinking like Deathball but with paper, but the puzzles are friendlier than that.)
kiriska: yes, considering that there are a couple of puzzles that don't have any words at all D:
frank church: eh, some of the puzzles are actually a lot more evil than Deathball. For example, the ScRaBBAl one basically defeated me, even after I started writing scripts to take care of the hard parts. >_< And yeah, it's a shame that swat doesn't have it, you'd really enjoy it.
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